"Our Community Engagement"
Expanding the Role of Promotores/Community Health Care Workers




Click the link above to access our Community Health & Wellness Learning Academy
which serves as a national resource for Promotores/Community Health Workers offering
- Culturally and linguistically tailored courses in English and Spanish
- Diverse topics such as cancer, behavioral health, patient-centered navigation, case management for pregnant women, and community advocacy.
- Pre tests, post tests, and graded readiness assessments (if desired) to ensure knowledge gain
- Interactive forums and networking opportunities with thousands of community leaders!”

Our Telehealth Community Navigation Contact Center meets the needs of underserved communities through virtual support—via phone, text, email, or social media. We build comprehensive health assessment profiles, connecting individuals to resources addressing social health and medical care determinants. Timely follow-ups ensure no care gaps are left unaddressed, making virtual navigation a lifeline for our vulnerable populations.
Call 281-801-5285
The mission of Día de la Mujer Latina is to promote healthy behaviors within the underserved Latino community by providing a culturally and linguistically proficient education, facilitating early detection screening, and culturally preventative care interventions; promoting wellness with resource information, Promotores/Community Health Workers training and Patient Navigation for follow-up services.

National Board of Directors

Venus Ginés, M.A., CHWI
President/Founder Executive Board

Cesar Rolon Jr. – Past Board Chair
Imagen Marketing Consultants

Yvette De Luna

Concepcion Diaz-Arrastia
MD – Medical Director
Women’s Health Surgeon

Emilia Cordero
MS, RN, ANP-C, – Secretary
Baylor College of Medicine

Leslie Enriquez
Honorary Board Member

Zahyrah Blakeney
Board Chair
Episcopal Health Foundation

Nelly Elorza
Administrator (Volunteer)
CHW/Promotores Instructor, Notary Public
Advisory Board

Arnie Joseph
Chroma Group – New Jersey

Dr. Jose Gerena
DML Puerto Rico
Volunteer Staff

Timothy Akers, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research Innovation and Advocacy

Robin Albany
Nurse Practitioner
Lourdes Ortiz
Patient Navigator
In November 2019, DML inaugurated training courses for the students at the UABCS, Universidad Autónoma Baja California Sur, Los Cabos in Mexico.Dozens of students attended the Workshop: Diabetes and Obesity Awareness among the Latino community.

Venus Ginés earned a B.A. from California State University on Latin American Studies & Women’s Studies and a M.A. from Georgia State University (WMSI), focusing on the cultural and system barriers faced by Latinas with breast cancer.
Appointed to NCI’s first Director’s Consumer Liaison Group and in 1997, invited to present at a Congressional Panel for the recognition of the term “Latino” as a proper category term for the new population from Latin America initiated Venus’s advocacy work for cancer and women’s rights. Nationally, she served on many national boards appointed to the Blue Ribbon Panel of NCI Health Disparities Progress Review Group in Washington, DC/chairing the Trans HHS Cultural Competence in Education & Training Roundtable.